
Meet the speakers

Kirstie Moons

Kirstie Moons

Kirstie is currently the Postgraduate Dental Dean for Health Education Improvement Wales (HEIW), where she is responsible for planning, commissioning, and quality assurance of postgraduate training and education for dental professionals in Wales. Kirstie has extensive experience in dental education, she has worked in the Deanery and previously at Cardiff Dental Hospital, where she contributed to the education and training of the entire dental team. From 2013 to 2020, Kirstie was the Welsh registrant member of the General Dental Council, where she also chaired the Policy and Research Board. She is a longstanding member of the Welsh Dental Committee and a Fellow of the College of General Dentistry. Additionally, Kirstie collaborates closely with the Welsh Government and the Chief Dental Officer to develop the dental workforce across Wales.