
Reports and publications

Here are the reports and plans we publish about our work.

We've recently published our annual registration and fitness to practise statistical reports for 2023. Both reports include comparison data from previous years to show trends and changes over time.

Registration statistical report 2023 Fitness to practise statistical report 2023
Annual Report and Accounts

Annual Report and Accounts

Our latest annual report gives an overview of our performance over the past year.

Latest annual report and accounts
Corporate Strategy and Costed Corporate Plan

Corporate Strategy and Costed Corporate Plan

Find out about our strategic aims and our priorities for the next three years.

Find out more about our plans
Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

Our equality, diversity and inclusion strategy 2024–2025.

EDI strategy

Annual report and accounts archive

Read and download our past annual reports going back a number of years.

Annual report and accounts archive


Current and closed consultations, and our responses to external consultations.

Read about our consultations

Education review

Quality assurance activity over the past academic year.

Annual review of education

Fitness to Practise reports

Stats on investigations and hearings held each year, including equality data.

Latest Fitness to Practise report

Gender pay gap

The difference in earnings between men and women at the GDC.

Gender pay gap reports

Pension trustees reports

Costs, changes and governance standards for the GDC pension scheme.

Read the reports

Registration reports

Our annual and monthly figures from the GDC Registers.

Registration reports

Report on deaths during investigations

Our report on causes of death during fitness to practise investigations.

Deaths during investigations


We use a range of research methods to produce robust evidence.

Read our research

Whistleblowing disclosures

This report is produced jointly by all of the health and social care regulators.

Read the latest report

Working patterns data

Our research on the working patterns of dental professionals.

Working patterns of dental professionals