
Future dental team: their expectations, development and career


Agenda 25 March 2025

09.30Registration and refreshments

Welcome and introduction 
Joanne Rewcastle, GDC Associate Director, Communications and Engagement


How do we prepare BDS students for practice?
Ewen McColl, Chair, Dental Schools Council and Head of Peninsula Dental School, Plymouth


How does medical education prepare doctors for practice?
Prof Colin Melville, Medical Director and Director of Education and Standards, GMC

Lightning talk 1 - A year in the life of a foundation dentist
Hishaam Ali, Foundation Dentist

11.05Refreshment break and networking

Lightning talk 2 - Mentoring: From graduation to retirement
Mabel Saw, Chair, Dental Mentors UK


Panel discussion 1: Ensuring development opportunities that meet the needs of  individual dental professionals


20-minute table discussion, followed by 40-minute Q&A Facilitated by Zain Hameed, Senior Clinical Policy Manager, OCDO




  • Ewen McColl, Chair, Dental Schools Council
  • Brid Hendron, Postgraduate Dental Dean, NIMDTA
  • Kate Kerslake, Chief Executive, NEBDN
  • Rhiannon Jones, President, BSDHT
  • Mel O’Keeffe, Orthodontic Therapist
12.35Buffet lunch and networking

Panel discussion 2 – How do we align the needs of the sector with the expectations of new dental professionals?


Five-minute introduction from facilitator followed by 40-minute Q&A
Facilitated by Colin MacKenzie, Head of Nations and Engagement, GDC





  • Manjula Das, Head of Education Quality Assurance, GDC
  • Roshni Karia, President, College of General Dentistry
  • Roxi James, newly qualified dental nurse
  • Manish Prasad, My Dentist
  • Tom Ferris, CDO Scotland
Workshop – What are today’s key takeaways and what are you going to do next?
Five-minute introduction from facilitator, followed by 30-minute table discussion and 15-minute
feedback discussion. Facilitated by Colin MacKenzie, Fiona Ellwood and Catherine Rutland


Summary and close
Catherine Rutland, Denplan, ADG and DLN Working Group member


Networking until 16:30
Refreshments provided