
GDC publishes outcome report on its three-year strategy consultation

29 October, 2019
GDC publishes outcome report on its three-year strategy consultation

We have today published the outcome report from the consultation on our three-year strategy, which closed earlier this year. The consultation, which received 79 responses from individuals and organisations, sought views about proposals for how we intend to deliver our broad statutory objectives over the next three years, as well as the associated costs.

 GDC Head of Policy and Research Programme, Rebecca Cooper, said:

“As with any consultation, a variety of views were expressed, but we are encouraged by the broad support for the direction of travel set out in the strategy, particularly in relation to the continued collaborative working with the professions.”

 Our new approach to strategy development is designed to bring more visibility to the relationship between our regulatory activity and the fees we charge, providing increased transparency.

 Work is underway to finalise the strategy, which is due for publication later this year.