
GDC publishes 2020-2022 strategy: Right time, right place, right-touch

28 November, 2019
GDC publishes 2020-2022 strategy: Right time, right place, right-touch
We have today published our 2020-2022 strategy: Right time, right place, right touch, which sets out our programme of work for the next three years.
Earlier this year, we consulted on our five strategic aims and the associated expenditure. The approach set out across these aims is captured by the strategy’s title; ‘Right time’, to highlight the GDC’s continued focus on developing its approach to ‘upstream regulation’, ‘Right place’, to describe the continued work to support issues resolution by the correct organisations and to promote local complaint handling wherever possible, and ‘Right-touch’, to highlight our commitment to ensuring the GDC’s enforcement activity is evidence-based and proportionate.
GDC Chair, William Moyes, said:
“The programme of work within this strategy shows how the GDC intends to continue to improve its approach to achieving its statutory responsibilities of protecting the public and maintaining public confidence in dental services. Key to this is ensuring that complaints are dealt with in the right place, which is often in the surgery. Over the last few years the GDC has had increasing success cooperating with stakeholders to achieve those aims and this strategy shows how we plan to further develop this approach over the next three years.”
The GDC’s new approach to strategy development seeks to make the relationship between its regulatory activity and the fees it charges more visible. The associated costed plans for our planned activity will be published in January 2020.