
A view from the Chair: Council's first meeting of the year, improving CPD where we can, and looking ahead to more engagement

05 March, 2025 by Lord Toby Harris

We held the first Council meeting of the year in February, where we had an update on how we are implementing our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy for 2024 – 2025. This meeting was also the first opportunity for Council to discuss the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) performance report which was published in December, where we did not meet three of the four outcomes under the new standard for EDI. 

Council had a good discussion to understand and challenge the work that is underway across the five objectives of the EDI strategy. While it was positive to hear that the majority of the 24 key actions are complete or on track, we know that this is an area where we need to do more, and Council are committed to doing so. Our EDI vision and approach will be incorporated into our corporate strategy from 2026, to ensure that EDI is embedded within our broader strategic objectives.

Recruitment campaigns to fill three posts on Council closed on 24 February. We cannot say too much about this while the recruitment continues, other than it is very pleasing to see a strong interest from people who want to be part of Council and dental regulation. It is also a very good time to join the Council. We recently held an external board effectiveness review to look at whether we have the structure, processes, people and performance we need to deliver. We will take forward actions that include developing a well-constructed approach to meeting agendas and papers, challenging effectively, reviewing the terms of reference for our statutory committees and opportunities for Council to engage with stakeholders. 

Improving continuing professional development (CPD) processes.

This week we announced changes to our CPD processes, to make it easier for dental professionals to record and submit their CPD and for providers to equip professionals with valid CPD certificates. We have simplified some of the documentation required and provided clearer guidance on grace periods and restoration.  

Although we would like to go further to amend the CPD rules, this would require a change to the legislation. Instead, we have acted on feedback from stakeholders and research findings from a review we undertook in 2024 to make changes that we can, in the absence of regulatory reform. 

In doing this, we have recognised some of the practical challenges that dental professionals can face in documenting their learning. We want dental professionals to focus on what matters most – their professional development – rather than on the process itself. Further information is available on our website, including updated guidance documents and sample CPD certificates. 

Looking ahead to more engagement 

It feels like March is the start of ‘conference season’ in dentistry, where the opportunities for face-to-face events and meetings start in earnest. The GDC is at the BDIA dental showcase with a stand where you can come and ask questions or just say ‘hello’ to the team. Our Chief Executive, Tom Whiting, is speaking at the conference on Friday and our Council member, Mike Lewis, will be at the stand on Saturday. 

We are convening the Dental Leadership Network in March, where the theme is ‘Future dental team: their expectations, preparation and career’. The event will be an opportunity for leaders to get together, share ideas and best practice, and share learnings on how to best support the future dental team in their early years.   

Council is also preparing to consult on the GDC’s Corporate Strategy for 2026 to 2028, which we expect to start in early summer and will set our priorities for the years ahead. We aim to meet with a variety of stakeholders to listen to feedback about our objectives. 

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