
Registration and assessment requests released under the FOI Act

This page contains responses to requests for registration and assessment information released under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 disclosed in full or in part since 1 January 2018 which are of public interest and/or include information not otherwise available on the GDC's website. We have not included information that would breach the principles of the Data Protection Act (2018). 

Please be mindful that the data is correct as of the date of disclosure. Where responses are changed as a result of an internal review we will amend the log accordingly.

If you still cannot find the information that you require after searching the log please submit a new request .

For more information, you can download our disclosure and publication policy here

Updated: Thu, 13 Aug 2020

Request for datasets of number of dentists who qualified in India via section 16 2b of the Dentists Act 1984

Following a request for datasets of number of dentists who qualified in India via section 16 2b of the Dentists Act 1984 the GDC provided the following response

Updated: Tue, 14 Jul 2020

Request for datasets on age and diversity of registrants

Following an request for datasets on age and diversity of registrants the GDC provided the following response

Updated: Fri, 03 Apr 2020

Datasets on ORE exam process

Following a request for information relating to the ORE part 2 exams, the GDC provided this response.

Updated: Wed, 18 Dec 2019

Request for datasets on dentists qualification by region

Following a request for information pertaining to dentists, a breakdown of their qualifications and where they qualified, the GDC provided this response.

Updated: Tue, 06 Aug 2019

Dataset on the oral surgery and orthodontics list

Following a freedom of information request regarding the number of applications for oral surgery and orthodontics the GDC provided the following response.

Updated: Mon, 08 Jul 2019

Request for dataset on registrants by ethnicity and gender

Following a freedom of information request regarding dataset on registrants by ethnicity and gender the GDC provided the following response

Updated: Mon, 08 Jul 2019

Request for UK registrants dataset by county age and gender

Following a freedom of information request regarding the data of registrants by county age and gender the GDC provided the following response

Updated: Mon, 08 Jul 2019

Request for dataset on registrants having their registration restored on the GDC register

Following a freedom of information request for the number of registrants having their registration restored on the GDC register the GDC provided the following response.

Updated: Mon, 08 Jul 2019

Request for dataset on orthodontic therapists

Following a freedom of information request for the number of orthodontic therapists the GDC provided the following response